● Lung cancer symptoms, reasons why coughs are not missed
Currently, the death rate from cancer is known to be very high in Korea. In fact, according to the statistics on the cause of death in 2021, 161.1 people per 100,000 people in Korea died of cancer. Among them, it was said that the death rate from lung cancer is very high. It accounts for a very high proportion of all cancers, and liver cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer have followed suit.
The reason why lung cancer is considered a scary cancer was because the survival rate was extremely low. In fact, many lung cancer patients were already diagnosed in the fourth stage of cancer cells spreading to other organs, and there was also a reason why cancer was difficult to detect early because there were no initial lung cancer symptoms. Therefore, in order to detect lung cancer early, regular checkups were required every year after the age of 40, and low-dose CT scans were required if they were in a high-risk group.
In addition, I thought it would be better to investigate lung cancer symptoms that you need to know for early diagnosis. In the case of major lung cancer symptoms, phlegm, difficulty breathing, and chest pain, which are mixed with cough and blood, are typical, but in fact, 5-15% of lung cancer is known to be diagnosed as chest simple X-ray abnormalities in physical examinations without any symptoms. As I said earlier, lung cancer symptoms rarely appeared in the early stages, and importantly, lung cancer symptoms were often similar to most respiratory diseases, including colds, so they were often left unattended. In many cases, about 75% of lung cancer patients complain of frequent coughing, but smokers often seem to think that the cough symptoms are simply because of smoking.
Therefore, it is important to see a medical staff if cough and phlegm do not heal, especially sputum symptoms mixed with blood can occur at the end of lung cancer, but in the beginning, it was necessary to have a thorough examination without ignoring a small amount.In addition, about half of lung cancer patients may experience shortness of breath, but despite this, many patients often did not visit medical institutions due to smoking and lack of exercise. The reason why it is difficult to breathe was that the lump of cancer gradually grew and the lungs were compressed, or the chest cavity was filled with liquid due to cancer.
In addition, about one-third of lung cancer patients felt chest pain, and in the beginning, they felt sharp like stabbing with a knife, but as the cancer progressed, dull and severe pain continued. In addition, when cancer invaded the vocal cords, the voice was blurred due to vocal paralysis, and when cancer pressed large blood vessels around the heart, blood circulation problems occurred and edema occurred in the upper body.
In addition, general symptoms such as anorexia and fever can appear, and symptoms caused by lung cancer metastasis can complain of headaches, vomiting, brain dysfunction, and pain caused by bone metastasis, which are found to be symptoms that occur when cancer progresses considerably. It is said that smoking is a representative cause of lung cancer, but recently, the number of non-smokers has also increased.
It was estimated that the factors were smoke generated during second-hand smoking and food cooking, indoor air pollution caused by fuel combustion, exposure to radioactive harmful substances such as radon, and lung disease that had already existed. In addition, various factors such as genetic factors with a family history of lung cancer and occupational factors exposed to risk factors such as asbestos, arsenic, and chromium were known to be involved in combination.
As for lung cancer healing methods, resection and anticancer chemotherapy are standard healing methods, and immuno-cancer drugs have also been actively being cured recently. Excision determines the method and scope according to the degree of progress, location, size, and systemic condition of cancer cells, and in the case of anticancer chemotherapy, it was a necessary method for healing that had already progressed.In addition, if cancer cells were removed cleanly by resection, it was implemented to increase the probability of full recovery, and to reduce the size of the tumor before resection, it could be implemented to cure cancer cells remaining after resection. If resection was not possible, it could be done to improve the symptoms and extend the survival period.

However, it was said that most of these methods of lung cancer treatment left aftereffects and complications. Patients were able to experience a significant decline in physical strength and immunity due to various aftereffects and lower quality of life. In addition, it was important to increase healing efficiency in parallel with management that enhances the immunity of cancer patients as healing efficiency gradually decreases and can have a negative effect.
Currently, our hospital is making efforts to manage cancer after resection, management of aftereffects after anticancer and radiation healing, and prevention of recurrence and metastasis of cancer, and we helped systematic cancer management based on the two oriental medicine integrated immune cancer management. In addition, 1:1 customized anti-cancer menus were provided to help patients focus only on cancer management and cancer healing by providing various healing programs at the same time.Currently, patients who want to receive help in cancer management or recovery after cancer healing are recommended to receive systematic management at our hospital, and please always put the patient’s position first and help at our hospital, which expects the patient to recover quickly.Currently, patients who want to receive help in cancer management or recovery after cancer healing are recommended to receive systematic management at our hospital, and please always put the patient’s position first and help at our hospital, which expects the patient to recover quickly.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image